$ zarf init --components="logging" --confirm
Saving log file to /var/folders/bk/rz1xx2sd5zn134c0_j1s2n5r0000gp/T/zarf-2023-03-22-11-47-22-867656842.log • Loading Zarf Package /Users/jason/.zarf-cache/zarf-init-arm64-v0.24.3.tar.zst • Loading Zarf Package /Users/jason/.zarf-cache/zarf-init-arm64-v0.24.3.tar.zst kind: ZarfInitConfig metadata: name: init description: Used to establish a new Zarf cluster architecture: arm64 build: terminal: fv-az488-281 user: runner architecture: arm64 timestamp: Sun, 26 Feb 2023 01:28:31 +0000 version: v0.24.3 migrations: - scripts-to-actions components: - name: zarf-injector description: | Bootstraps a Kubernetes cluster by cloning a running pod in the cluster and hosting the registry image. Removed and destroyed after the Zarf Registry is self-hosting the registry image. required: true cosignKeyPath: cosign.pub files: - source: sget://defenseunicorns/zarf-injector:arm64-2023-02-09 target: "###ZARF_TEMP###/zarf-injector" executable: true - name: zarf-seed-registry description: | Deploys the Zarf Registry using the registry image provided by the Zarf Injector. required: true charts: - name: docker-registry releaseName: zarf-docker-registry version: 1.0.0 namespace: zarf valuesFiles: - packages/zarf-registry/registry-values.yaml - packages/zarf-registry/registry-values-seed.yaml localPath: packages/zarf-registry/chart - name: zarf-registry description: | Updates the Zarf Registry to use the self-hosted registry image. Serves as the primary docker registry for the cluster. required: true charts: - name: docker-registry releaseName: zarf-docker-registry version: 1.0.0 namespace: zarf valuesFiles: - packages/zarf-registry/registry-values.yaml localPath: packages/zarf-registry/chart manifests: - name: registry-connect namespace: zarf files: - packages/zarf-registry/connect.yaml - name: kep-1755-registry-annotation namespace: zarf files: - packages/zarf-registry/configmap.yaml images: - registry:2.8.1 - name: zarf-agent description: | A Kubernetes mutating webhook to enable automated URL rewriting for container images and git repository references in Kubernetes manifests. This prevents the need to manually update URLs from their original sources to the Zarf-managed docker registry and git server. required: true actions: onCreate: before: - cmd: make init-package-local-agent AGENT_IMAGE_TAG="v0.24.3" manifests: - name: zarf-agent namespace: zarf files: - packages/zarf-agent/manifests/service.yaml - packages/zarf-agent/manifests/secret.yaml - packages/zarf-agent/manifests/deployment.yaml - packages/zarf-agent/manifests/webhook.yaml images: - ghcr.io/defenseunicorns/zarf/agent:v0.24.3 - name: logging description: | Deploys the Promtail Grafana & Loki (PGL) stack. Aggregates logs from different containers and presents them in a web dashboard. Recommended if no other logging stack is deployed in the cluster. charts: - name: loki-stack releaseName: zarf-loki-stack url: https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts version: 2.8.9 namespace: zarf valuesFiles: - packages/logging-pgl/pgl-values.yaml manifests: - name: logging-connect namespace: zarf files: - packages/logging-pgl/connect.yaml images: - docker.io/grafana/promtail:2.7.0 - grafana/grafana:8.3.5 - grafana/loki:2.6.1 - quay.io/kiwigrid/k8s-sidecar:1.19.2 - name: git-server description: | Deploys Gitea to provide git repositories for Kubernetes configurations. Required for GitOps deployments if no other git server is available. actions: onDeploy: after: - maxTotalSeconds: 60 maxRetries: 3 cmd: ./zarf internal create-read-only-gitea-user charts: - name: gitea releaseName: zarf-gitea url: https://dl.gitea.io/charts version: 7.0.2 namespace: zarf valuesFiles: - packages/gitea/gitea-values.yaml manifests: - name: git-connect namespace: zarf files: - packages/gitea/connect.yaml images: - gitea/gitea:1.18.3 variables: - name: K3S_ARGS description: Arguments to pass to K3s default: --disable traefik - name: REGISTRY_EXISTING_PVC description: "Optional: Use an existing PVC for the registry instead of creating a new one. If this is set, the REGISTRY_PVC_SIZE variable will be ignored." - name: REGISTRY_PVC_SIZE description: The size of the persistent volume claim for the registry default: 20Gi - name: REGISTRY_CPU_REQ description: The CPU request for the registry default: 100m - name: REGISTRY_MEM_REQ description: The memory request for the registry default: 256Mi - name: REGISTRY_CPU_LIMIT description: The CPU limit for the registry default: "3" - name: REGISTRY_MEM_LIMIT description: The memory limit for the registry default: 2Gi - name: REGISTRY_HPA_MIN description: The minimum number of registry replicas default: "1" - name: REGISTRY_HPA_MAX description: The maximum number of registry replicas default: "5" - name: REGISTRY_HPA_ENABLE description: Enable the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler for the registry default: "true" - name: GIT_SERVER_EXISTING_PVC description: "Optional: Use an existing PVC for the git server instead of creating a new one. If this is set, the GIT_SERVER_PVC_SIZE variable will be ignored." - name: GIT_SERVER_PVC_SIZE description: The size of the persistent volume claim for git server default: 10Gi - name: GIT_SERVER_CPU_REQ description: The CPU request for git server default: 200m - name: GIT_SERVER_MEM_REQ description: The memory request for git server default: 512Mi - name: GIT_SERVER_CPU_LIMIT description: The CPU limit for git server default: "3" - name: GIT_SERVER_MEM_LIMIT description: The memory limit for git server default: 2Gi constants: - name: AGENT_IMAGE value: defenseunicorns/zarf/agent - name: AGENT_IMAGE_TAG value: v0.24.3 - name: REGISTRY_IMAGE value: registry - name: REGISTRY_IMAGE_TAG value: 2.8.1 This package has 9 artifacts with software bill-of-materials (SBOM) included. You can view them now in the zarf-sbom folder in this directory or to go directly to one, open this in your browser: /Users/jason/src/github.com/jasonvanbrackel/zarf/docs/.examples/tutorials/zarf-sbom/sbom-viewer-docker.io_grafana_promtail_2.7.0.html * This directory will be removed after package deployment. ✔ Deploy Zarf package confirmed📦 ZARF-INJECTOR COMPONENT• Copying 1 files • Copying 1 files • Gathering cluster information • Gathering cluster information • Attempting to bootstrap the seed image into the cluster • Attempting to bootstrap the seed image into the cluster📦 ZARF-SEED-REGISTRY COMPONENT• Loading the Zarf State from the Kubernetes cluster • Loading the Zarf State from the Kubernetes cluster • Processing helm chart docker-registry:1.0.0 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart docker-registry:1.0.0 from Zarf-generated helm chart📦 ZARF-REGISTRY COMPONENT• Opening tunnel 52538 -> 5000 for svc/zarf-docker-registry in namespace zarf • Creating port forwarding tunnel at • Storing images in the zarf registry • Storing images in the zarf registry • Processing helm chart docker-registry:1.0.0 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart docker-registry:1.0.0 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Starting helm chart generation registry-connect • Starting helm chart generation registry-connect • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-registry-registry-connect:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-registry-registry-connect:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Starting helm chart generation kep-1755-registry-annotation • Starting helm chart generation kep-1755-registry-annotation • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-registry-kep-1755-registry-annotation:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-registry-kep-1755-registry-annotation:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart📦 ZARF-AGENT COMPONENT• Opening tunnel 52550 -> 5000 for svc/zarf-docker-registry in namespace zarf • Creating port forwarding tunnel at • Storing images in the zarf registry • Storing images in the zarf registry • Starting helm chart generation zarf-agent • Starting helm chart generation zarf-agent • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-agent-zarf-agent:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart raw-init-zarf-agent-zarf-agent:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart📦 LOGGING COMPONENT• Opening tunnel 52556 -> 5000 for svc/zarf-docker-registry in namespace zarf • Creating port forwarding tunnel at • Storing images in the zarf registry • Storing images in the zarf registry • Processing helm chart loki-stack:2.8.9 from https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts • Processing helm chart loki-stack:2.8.9 from https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts • Starting helm chart generation logging-connect • Starting helm chart generation logging-connect • Processing helm chart raw-init-logging-logging-connect:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart • Processing helm chart raw-init-logging-logging-connect:0.1.1679500042 from Zarf-generated helm chart ✔ Zarf deployment complete Application | Username | Password | Connect Registry | zarf-push | Tka7dWq4GEit5G3GDX2dQwdh | zarf connect registry Logging | zarf-admin | ysC9TEWsSm37pBmA3hvqrLN3 | zarf connect logging