This section of the documentation has a collection of tutorials that will help you get more familiar with Zarf and its features. The tutorials assume that you have a very basic understanding of what Zarf is and aims to help expand your working knowledge of how to use Zarf and what Zarf is capable of doing.
If a tutorial has any prerequisites, they will be listed at the beginning of the tutorial with instructions on how to fulfill them. Almost all tutorials will have the following prerequisites/assumptions:
- The Zarf repository cloned: (git clone instructions)
- You have a Zarf binary installed on your $PATH: (Installing Zarf)
- You have an init-package built/downloaded: (init-package Build Instructions) or (Download Location)
- Have a kubernetes cluster running/available (ex. k3s/k3d/Kind)
While Zarf is able to deploy a local k3s Kubernetes cluster for you, (as you’ll find out more in the Creating a K8s Cluster with Zarf tutorial), that k3s cluster will only work if you are on a root user on a Linux machine. If you are on a Mac, or you’re on Linux but don’t have root access, you’ll need to set up a local dockerized Kubernetes cluster manually. We provide instructions on how to quickly set up a local k3d cluster that you can use for the majority of the tutorials.
- Install Docker: Docker Install Instructions
- Install k3d: k3d Install Instructions
k3d cluster create # Creates a k3d cluster
zarf tools kubectl get pods -A # Check to see if the cluster is ready
k3d cluster delete # Deletes the k3d cluster