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The 'init' Package

The ‘init’ package is a special Zarf Package (denoted by kind: ZarfInitConfig in its zarf.yaml) that initializes a cluster with the requisite air gap services when running zarf init. This allows future Zarf Packages to store any required resources (i.e. container images and git repositories) so that they can be retrieved later.

The default ‘init’ package that Zarf ships is defined in the zarf.yaml that lives at the root of the Zarf repository, and is constructed from composed components that provide a foundation for customization. If you would like to change the behavior of the ‘init’ package you can do so by modifying this zarf.yaml or any of the composed components that it references and running zarf package create at the root of the repository. You can learn more about creating a custom init package in the Creating a Custom ‘init’ Package Tutorial.

Upon deployment, the init package creates a zarf namespace within your K8s cluster and deploys pods, services, and secrets to that namespace based on the components selected for deployment.

Zarf’s mutation capabilities require that the zarf-agent component of the init package is deployed and active within the cluster, meaning that it cannot be disabled and is always running. This component intercepts requests to create resources and uses the zarf-state secret to mutate them to point to their air gap equivalents. It is automatically deployed whenever a zarf init command is executed.

zarf-agentA Kubernetes mutating webhook installed during zarf init that converts Pod specs and Flux GitRepository objects to match their air gap equivalents.

In addition to the required zarf-agent component, Zarf also offers components that provide additional functionality and can be enabled as needed based on your desired end-state.

In most scenarios, Zarf will also deploy an internal registry using the three components described below. However, Zarf can be configured to use an already existing registry with the --registry-* flags when running zarf init (detailed information on all zarf init command flags can be found in the zarf init CLI section). This option skips the injector and seed process, and will not deploy a registry inside of the cluster. Instead, it uploads any images to the externally configured registry.

zarf-injectorAdds a Rust binary to the working directory to be injected into the cluster during registry bootstrapping.
zarf-seed-registryAdds a temporary container registry so Zarf can bootstrap itself into the cluster.
zarf-registryAdds a long-lived container registry service—docker registry—into the cluster.

Beyond the registry, their are also fully-optional components available for the init package. Many of these also have external configurations you can set with zarf init (such as --git-*), but these components provide an easy way to get started in environments where these core services are needed and may not already exist.

k3sREQUIRES ROOT (not sudo). Installs a lightweight Kubernetes Cluster on the local host—K3s—and configures it to start up on boot.
loggingAdds a log monitoring stack—promtail/loki/grafana (aka PLG)—into the cluster.
git-serverAdds a GitOps-compatible source control service—Gitea—into the cluster.

There are two ways to deploy these optional components. First, you can provide a comma-separated list of components to the --components flag, such as zarf init --components k3s,git-server --confirm, or, you can choose to exclude the --components and --confirm flags and respond with a yes (y) or no (n) for each optional component when interactively prompted.

Deploying into air gapped environments is a hard problem, particularly when the K8s environment doesn’t have a container registry for you to store images in already. This results in a dilemma where the container registry image must be introduced to the cluster, but there is no container registry to push it to as the image is not yet in the cluster - chicken, meet egg. To ensure that our approach is distro-agnostic, we developed a unique solution to seed the container registry into the cluster.

This is done with the zarf-injector component which injects a single rust binary (statically compiled) and a series of configmap chunks of a registry:2 image into an ephemeral pod that is based on an existing image in the cluster. This gives us a running registry to bootstrap from and deploy the rest of the ‘init’ package and any other packages down the line.

By default, the registry included in the init package creates a ReadWriteOnce PVC and is only scheduled to run on one node at a time. This setup is usually enough for smaller and simpler deployments. However, for larger deployments or those where nodes are frequently restarted or updated, you may want to make the registry highly-available.

This approach requires certain prerequisites, such as a storage class that supports ReadWriteMany, or being in an environment that allows you to configure the registry to use an S3-compatible backend. Additionally, you must provide custom configuration to the registry to ensure it is distributed across all nodes and has the appropriate number of replicas. Below is an example configuration file using a ReadWriteMany storage class:

- weight: 100
- key: app
operator: In
- docker-registry

Notably, the REGISTRY_AFFINITY_CUSTOM variable overrides the default pod anti-affinity, and REGISTRY_HPA_AUTO_SIZE automatically adjusts the minimum and maximum replicas for the registry based on the number of nodes in the cluster. If you prefer to manually set the minimum and maximum replicas, you can use REGISTRY_HPA_MIN and REGISTRY_HPA_MAX to specify the desired values.

The zarf init lifecycle is very similar to the zarf package deploy lifecycle except that it sets up resources specific to Zarf such as the zarf-state and performs special actions such as the injection procedure.

graph TD B1(load package archive)-->B2 B2(handle multipart package)-->B3 B3(extract archive to temp dir)-->B4 B4(validate package checksums and signature)-->B5 B5(filter components by architecture & OS)-->B6 B6(save SBOM files to current dir)-->B7 B7(handle deprecations and breaking changes)-->B9 B9(confirm package deploy):::prompt-->B10 B10(process deploy-time variables)-->B11 B11(prompt for missing variables)-->B12 B12(prompt to confirm components)-->B13 B13(prompt to choose components in '.group')-->B14 subgraph B52 --> |Yes|B14(deploy each component)-->B14 B14 --> B15{Component is zarf-seed-registry} B15 --> |Yes|B51(initialize zarf-state secret):::action B51 --> B52{External registry configured} B52 --> |No|B53(run injection process):::action-->B16 B15 --> |No|B16(run each '.actions.onDeploy.before'):::action-->B16 B16 --> B17(copy '.files')-->B18 B18(load Zarf State)-->B19 B19(push '.images')-->B20 B20(push '.repos')-->B21 B21(process '.dataInjections')-->B22 B22(install '.charts')-->B23 B23(apply '.manifests')-->B24 B24(run each '.actions.onDeploy.after'):::action-->B24 B24-->B25{Success?} B25-->|Yes|B26(run each '.actions.onDeploy.success'):::action-->B26 B25-->|No|B27(run each '.actions.onDeploy.failure'):::action-->B27-->B999 B999[Abort]:::fail end B26-->B28(print Zarf connect table) B28-->B29(save package data to cluster) classDef prompt fill:#4adede,color:#000000 classDef action fill:#bd93f9,color:#000000 classDef fail fill:#aa0000