This example demonstrates how to use Zarf to deploy a WordPress blog into a cluster.
It is used as a part of the Creating a Zarf Package and Deploying a Zarf Package tutorials.
kind: ZarfPackageConfig # ZarfPackageConfig is the package kind for most normal zarf packagesmetadata: name: wordpress # specifies the name of our package and should be unique and unchanging through updates version: 16.0.4 # (optional) a version we can track as we release updates or publish to a registry description: | # (optional) a human-readable description of the package that you are creating A Zarf Package that deploys the WordPress blogging and content management platform
variables: # The unique name of the variable corresponding to the ###ZARF_VAR_### template - name: WORDPRESS_USERNAME # A human-readable description of the variable shown during prompting description: The username that is used to login to the WordPress admin account # A default value to take if --confirm is used or the user chooses the default prompt default: zarf # Whether to prompt for this value interactively if it is not --set on the CLI prompt: true - name: WORDPRESS_PASSWORD description: The password that is used to login to the WordPress admin account prompt: true # Whether to treat this value as sensitive to keep it out of Zarf logs sensitive: true - name: WORDPRESS_EMAIL description: The email that is used for the WordPress admin account default: hello@defenseunicorns.com prompt: true - name: WORDPRESS_FIRST_NAME description: The first name that is used for the WordPress admin account default: Zarf prompt: true - name: WORDPRESS_LAST_NAME description: The last name that is used for the WordPress admin account default: The Axolotl prompt: true - name: WORDPRESS_BLOG_NAME description: The blog name that is used for the WordPress admin account default: The Zarf Blog prompt: true
components: - name: wordpress # specifies the name of our component and should be unique and unchanging through updates description: | # (optional) a human-readable description of the component you are defining Deploys the Bitnami-packaged WordPress chart into the cluster required: true # (optional) sets the component as 'required' so that it is always deployed charts: - name: wordpress url: oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/wordpress version: 16.0.4 namespace: wordpress valuesFiles: - wordpress-values.yaml images: - docker.io/bitnami/apache-exporter:0.13.3-debian-11-r2 - docker.io/bitnami/mariadb:10.11.2-debian-11-r21 - docker.io/bitnami/wordpress:6.2.0-debian-11-r18 manifests: - name: connect-services namespace: wordpress files: - connect-services.yaml