This example demonstrates how to define actions within your package that can run either on zarf package create
, zarf package deploy
or zarf package remove
. These actions will be executed with the context that the Zarf binary is executed with.
For more details on component actions, see the component actions documentation.
kind: ZarfPackageConfigmetadata: name: component-actions description: Component actions examples
variables: - name: DOG_SOUND default: ruff
# See the example in this folder or /adrs/ for more info.components: - name: on-create actions: # runs during "zarf package create" onCreate: # defaults are applied to all actions in this action set - below are the default defaults defaults: dir: "" env: [] maxRetries: 0 maxTotalSeconds: 300 mute: false shell: darwin: sh linux: sh windows: powershell # runs before the component is created before: # on Windows with `pwsh` or `powershell`, `touch` is replaced with New-Item - cmd: touch test-create-before.txt # description shows a more user friendly message when waiting for the command description: Create a test file # dir is the directory to run the command in dir: "" # env sets environment variables for this action only env: - thing=stuff # maxRetries is the number of times to retry the action if it fails maxRetries: 0 # maxTotalSeconds is the maximum amount of times the action can run before it is killed, over all retries maxTotalSeconds: 30 # mute determine if actions output should be printed to the console mute: false # shell sets the preferred shell across operating systems, in this case "pwsh" instead of "powershell" on Windows shell: windows: pwsh # runs after the component is created after: # actions in a list run in order - cmd: touch test-create-after.txt - cmd: sleep 0.5 - cmd: echo "I can print!" - cmd: sleep 0.5 # cmd actions can also specify a multiline string to run like a script - cmd: | echo "multiline!" sleep 0.5 echo "updates!" sleep 1 echo "in!" sleep 0.5 echo "realtime!" sleep 0.5
- name: on-deploy-and-remove actions: # runs during "zarf package deploy" onDeploy: # runs before the component is deployed before: - cmd: touch test-deploy-before.txt # runs after the component is deployed after: - cmd: touch test-deploy-after.txt # runs during "zarf package remove" onRemove: # runs before anything else from the component is removed before: - cmd: rm test-deploy-before.txt # runs after everything else from the component is removed after: - cmd: rm test-deploy-after.txt
- name: on-deploy-with-variable actions: # runs during "zarf package deploy" onDeploy: # runs before the component is deployed before: - cmd: echo "the dog says ${ZARF_VAR_DOG_SOUND}"
- name: on-deploy-with-dynamic-variable actions: # runs during "zarf package deploy" onDeploy: # runs before the component is deployed before: # setVariables can be used to set a variable for use in other actions or components - cmd: echo "meow" # the name of the variable to set with the output of the action (only useable onDeploy) setVariables: - name: CAT_SOUND # this action will have access to the variable set in the previous action - cmd: echo "the cat says ${ZARF_VAR_CAT_SOUND}"
- name: on-deploy-with-multiple-variables actions: # runs during "zarf package deploy" onDeploy: # runs before the component is deployed before: # setting this variable will allow it to be used in other actions with additional variables # set in other actions or components - cmd: echo "hiss" # setVariables defines a list of variables to set from the `cmd` standard out. setVariables: - name: SNAKE_SOUND # marks this variable as sensitive to prevent it from being output in the Zarf log sensitive: true # autoIndent tells Zarf to maintain spacing for any newlines when templating into a yaml file autoIndent: true # onSuccess will only run if steps in this component are successful onSuccess: # this action will print the CAT_SOUND variable that was set in a previous component - cmd: echo "the cat says ${ZARF_VAR_CAT_SOUND}" # this action will print the DOG_SOUND variable set at the top of the zarf.yaml file - cmd: echo "the dog says ${ZARF_VAR_DOG_SOUND}" # this action will print the SNAKE_SOUND variable set within this component # > NOTE: when including a variable in a command output this will be written to the log regardless of the sensitive setting # - use `mute` if you want to silence the command output for sensitive variables - cmd: echo "the snake says ${ZARF_VAR_SNAKE_SOUND}" # variables are also exposed as TF_VAR_name for terraform, note the lowercase variable name - cmd: echo "with a TF_VAR, the snake also says ${TF_VAR_snake_sound}"
- name: on-deploy-with-template-use-of-variable files: # this file will be copied to the target location and the cat, dog, and snake sounds will be replaced with their values # requires the on-deploy-with-dynamic-variable and on-deploy-with-multiple-variables components - source: test.txt target: test-templated.txt shasum: 3c0404e0c767ace905c361fadded6c4b91fdb88aa07d5c42d2a220a87564836d
- name: on-deploy-with-timeout description: This component will fail after 1 second actions: # runs during "zarf package deploy" onDeploy: # defaults allow you to specify default values for the actions in that actionSet defaults: # maxTotalSeconds is the maximum amount of time the action can run before it is killed, over all retries maxTotalSeconds: 1 before: # this action will fail after 1 second - cmd: sleep 10 onFailure: - cmd: echo "ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ this action failed because it took too long to run ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜"
- name: on-remove # A manifest that we expect to be removed by Zarf manifests: - name: test-configmap files: - test-configmap.yaml actions: # runs during "zarf package remove" onRemove: before: # because this runs before the manifest is removed this should return our manifest - cmd: ./zarf tools kubectl get configmap -n zarf remove-test-configmap || echo "Not Found" after: # because this runs after the manifest is removed this should no longer be found - cmd: ./zarf tools kubectl get configmap -n zarf remove-test-configmap || echo "Not Found"
- name: on-deploy-with-env-var actions: onDeploy: before: - cmd: touch $ZARF_VAR_TEST_FILENAME env: # this will set the env var ZARF_VAR_TEST_FILENAME - useful for passing information into scripts - ZARF_VAR_TEST_FILENAME=test-filename-from-env.txt
- name: on-create-with-network-wait-action description: This component will wait for 15 seconds for a network resource to be available actions: onCreate: after: - description: to be available maxTotalSeconds: 15 wait: # wait for a network address to return a 200 OK response network: protocol: https address: code: 200
- name: on-deploy-with-wait-action description: This component will wait for 5 seconds for the test-configmap to be exist manifests: - name: test-configmap files: - test-configmap.yaml actions: onDeploy: after: - description: The simple-configmap to exist maxTotalSeconds: 5 wait: # wait for the configmap to be available in the cluster cluster: kind: configmap name: simple-configmap namespace: zarf
- name: on-deploy-immediate-failure description: This component will fail on the first error instead of continuing execution # the default for multi-line commands is set -e actions: onDeploy: after: - cmd: | bad_cmd echo "this text shouldn't be printed"